45. The Fall of Humanism and the Advent of a New Nihilism.

“The Fall of Humanism and the Advent of a New Nihilism”; en International Journal of Development Research [India], vol. 6, núm, 6, 2016, pp. 8150-8155. ISSN: 2230-9926.

The paper is a critical analysis directed of conceptions about the human being proposed by humanistic psychology and by the United Nations. It is shown that the anthropological idea that sustains them is centered on an ontological paradigm centered on the being; in that sense, the article proposes an inverse ontology, centered on Nothingness, from which can be conceived a distinct idea of what the human being is. Adjoined to it, some reflections are presented regarding man’s condition before nothingness and the impossibility of excluding himself from his final encounter with it. Finally, it will be demonstrated that the overcoming of humanism reaches the consideration of a Universal, like Nothingness, which facilitates a more conscious, open, and flexible exercise about existence that corresponds to us.